5 Degrees to Get A Job At Google

Here are five types of degrees that can open doors to various roles at Google:

Degrees in computer science or program computer engineering are highly local m relevant for technical roles at Google, the for especially for positions related to internat software development, programming,pr and engineering

1. Computer Science or local ba Computer Engineering program

Google places a significant emphasis on data-driven decision-making. Degrees in data science, statistics, or related fields are valuable for roles involving data analysis, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.

2. Data Science or Statistics

For roles related to hardware development, embedded systems, or hardware engineering, a degree in electrical engineering can be beneficial. This is especially relevant for positions within Google's hardware division, such as those related to designing smartphones and other devices.

3. Electrical Engineering

Google also hires individuals with business-related degrees for various Toles in sales, marketing, product management, and business development. Degrees in business administration, marketing, or related fields can be valuable in these areas.

4. Business Administration or Marketing

Degrees in human-computer interaction, UX design, or related fields are important for roles involving user experience design, usability testing, and user interface design. Google places a high value on creating user-friendly products and services.

5. Human-Computer Interaction or User Experience (UX) Design

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