5 herbal teas for weight loss

Herbal teas can be incorporated into a healthy lifestyle, they work best when combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise routine.

Known as a powerhouse in the weight loss world, green tea is packed with antioxidants and metabolism-boosting properties

Green tea

The combination of lemon and ginger helps to increase metabolism and suppress appetite. It aids in detoxifying the body, promoting a healthy digestive system.

Lemon ginger tea

Its natural properties can help curb cravings, improve digestion, and boost metabolism. This tea can also alleviate stress.

Peppermint tea

This South African herbal tea is gaining recognition for its weight loss benefits. Rich in antioxidants, rooibos tea helps regulate blood sugar levels, control food cravings, and promote fat metabolism.

Roobibos tea

It is known to inhibit the production of amylase, an enzyme that aids in starch digestion. This tea helps reduce the absorption of carbohydrates.

Hibiscus tea

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