5 Smallest Animals In The World

First described as a species (discovered by science) in 2021, a male Brookesia nana is just 20mm (0.8in) long and is found in the rainforests of northern Madagascar.

1. Smallest Reptile: Brookesia Nana

The bee hummingbird (Mellisuga helenae) weighs as much as a paperclip, and measures just 5- 6cm (1.9-2.3in) in length.

2. Smallest Bird: The Bee Hummingbird

The world's smallest insect, the US parasitic wasp, measures just 0.139mm long and spends most of its life inside its host, the bark louse.

3. Smallest insect: Dicopomorpha Echmepterygis

Described in 2012, this tiny frog is so small that it skips the tadpole stage. It lives in rainforest leaf litter, feeding on ticks and mites.

4. Smallest amphibian: Paedophryne Amauensis Frog

Weighing about 2g and measuring 29-33mm in body length with a wingspan up to 145mm. Found in Thailand and Myanmar.

5. Smallest Mammal: Bumblebee Bat

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