5 Tips To Stay Healthy This Monsoon

The rainy season can cause viral infections such as the common cold, fever, nausea, etc

Here are some tips for you to stay healthy this monsoon

Drink Clean Water

It is important to drink clean and filtered water during the monsoon season as the water sources get contaminated and may cause water-borne diseases

Avoid Street Food

Eating junk street food during monsoon can cause digestive issues and viral infections as the food and water used to prepare them can be contaminated

Clear Stagnant Water

Make sure to clear the stagnant rainwater around your house as it can become a breeding place for mosquitoes that are carriers of diseases like dengue, malaria, etc

Increase Probiotic intake

Add probiotics such as yoghurt, kefir, buttermilk, etc to your diet to improve your gut health and boost your immunity

Always Carry An Umbrella

Carrying an umbrella every time you step outside is important to prevent getting drenched in rain. It will keep you from falling ill

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