5 Wonderful Dancing Birds in the World

Here are five wonderful dancing birds from around the world:

In Central American forests, male red-capped manakins are famously known for their moonwalk. At first, he keeps his wings tucked, his head down and draws a female's gaze to his bright yellow thighs and impressive footwork.

1. Red-Capped Manakin

The flamingo's dance is also a courtship dance and sometimes it's even an ensemble affair. The pink birds form a group and march together in formation.

2. Flamingo

These birds have elaborate and odd courtship dances. Sometimes they dance in pairs and other times in groups. They all dance together to see if they're compatible.

3. Black-Footed Albatross

This funny dancing bird is famous for being extremely awkward and goofy. The male starts this courtship dance by doing any move he can think of to get the female's attention.

4. Sandhill Crane

As their name suggests, their blue feet are a big part of their ritual dance. Their courtship dance involves the males and females showing off their feet!

5. Blue-footed Booby

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