If you want to learn any programming language quick and easy,this is the channel for you.In one video, you can learn a bunch of new things.

If you wanna learn more about science, this is the channel for you. From crazy experiments, to useful science tips and tricks,it got you covered.

If you are looking to start business, or improve your current existing business, this official Google channel will give tips and tricks to make your businees as great as possible.

Engineering is the one of the most interesting thing in the world. With this channel, you will have great and simple-to-understand videos about many interesting things alla bout engineering

Crash Course is all in one channel that will make you learn literally everything. Like, literally Frome history, to science, to economy, everything here will economy, everything here will make you become smarter 

This is my favourite. This channel will teach you a lot about human psychology, philosophy, and just how to life a better life in general.

Ted Talks are the biggest source of informations you can have, and there's so many different subjects you can choose from.

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