Animals That Never Forget: The Secrets of Their Amazing Memory


Out of all the animals with great memories, dolphins are one of the best. These social and playful animals use their memory to remember other dolphins they've met before and keep track of their social interactions.


Elephants are intelligent animals that can learn to paint and also have incredible memories. They use this ability to track up to 30 family members using a mental map to locate member positions, no matter the direction or distance.


Whales take advantage of their memory ability in multiple ways to survive in the wild. For starters, memory helps with learning and they will teach their young how to play and hunt a lifelong skill each whale develops.


Octopuses have both short-term and long- term memory powered by half a billion neurons. These animals can even enhance their short-term memory during times of stress when they need to learn quickly to survive.


Before research confirmed that horses had excellent memories, owners already recognized how their pet horses could remember them after years of separation. Besides human friends, horses can remember family members and other horses within their community


Chimpanzees are considered a lesser ape species, however, these animals have memory capacities greater than humans. A study at the Kyoto University found that chimpanzees can memorize numbers accurately and faster than humans. Scientists predict this is because they have a photographic memory.


You might have heard stories of dogs being able to find their way home after traveling far away or being gone for a long time. It's because they have amazing memories. Dogs are also able to recognize owners they haven't seen in a long time, including humans who mistreated them.


Sea lions are lovable animals that you can easily teach parlor tricks to. On top of this, they also have a great long-term memory. Scientists found that sea lions can remember a trick they were taught 10 years ago easily.


As their name suggests, the Clark's nutcracker bird enjoys eating nuts. In fact, they enjoy this diet so much that they will hide thousands of nuts during the fall to uncover them in the winter to eat. Their memory is so good they can remember the exact location of around 33,000 pine nuts!


Squirrels and nuts come hand in hand and these animals are known to bury supplies in the autumn to dig up later. Their memory helps them accurately find the specific locations where they buried their nuts.

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