ChatGPT Your Work Done Tricks to Get Faster

Create templates with placeholders for specific details, and ChatGPT will generate content, ensuring consistency and saving you time

1. Use templates for structured communication

Feed long documents to ChatGPT, and it will provide concise summaries, helping you grasp key points quickly.

2. Summarise lengthy documents in seconds

ChatGPT can extract and format data from unstructured sources and generate reports, reducing manual work and errors.

3. Automate data entry and report generation

Describe your programming problem, and ChatGPT will offer code snippets and identify potential issues, streamlining your coding tasks.

4. Draft code and debugging assistance

Overcome creative blocks by using ChatGPT as your brainstorming partner, generating ideas and solutions for your projects.

5. Brainstorming and idea generation

ChatGPT can translate text between languages, making it a valuable tool for international communication and content localization.

6. Language translation and localisation

Build customised chatbots for customer service by training ChatGPT with FAQs and guidelines, providing instant responses to queries

7. Customised chatbots for customer support

Next: 7. Customised chatbots for customer support