Dropping These 5 Things Is Inauspicious According to Vastu Shastra

According to Vastu Shastra, these items falling from your hand are considered inauspicious and may bring negative energy or bad luck.

Dropping salt is believed to bring bad luck and financial problems. It is considered a sign of loss, especially in terms of money.


Rice is associated with prosperity and abundance. Dropping rice grains unintentionally may signify a reduction in wealth or food shortages.

Rice Grains

Spilling milk is seen as a negative omen, symbolizing loss of peace and prosperity within the household.


Dropping coins or any form of money represents a financial loss and should be avoided, as money is viewed as a form of Lakshmi's blessing


Spilling oil, especially mustard oil, is considered very inauspicious and can bring negative energies, disharmony, and obstacles into the home.


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