Meet the Capybaras: One of Earth's chillest animal
Earth is home to various kinds of animals, each unique in its own way. Some are fast, some are slow, some are ferocious, and some are harmless.
But within this diverse group, there lives an animal that is considered to be very chill. Its approach to life is laid-back, and it is loved all around the world.
Meet the Capybara, the biggest rodent on Earth. These semi- aquatic mammals are found in much of northern and central South America.
Capybaras usually live in large social groups with almost 40 members. Together, a group of capybaras is called a 'herd
Capybaras are herbivores, mostly eating water plants, grasses, melons, etc.
Did you know they eat their poop? Yes, you've read it right. According to information, their morning poop is protein-rich due to the high number of microbes digesting the previous day's meals.
They are also known as strong swimmers, with bodies adapted for life in water bodies found in forests, wetlands, and flooded savannas.