Physical activity is also recommended for cardiac patients; see your doctor about the sort of exercise and time permitted.
Statins work by lowering cholesterol, which is mostly produced by the liver; but, if you continue to consume excessive amounts of saturated fat, the medications may lose their effectiveness.
BP can grow with age, but this should not be considered normal, and you should seek medical treatment if your BP remains consistently over 140/90 mmhg.
Even if you take vitamin capsules and high-quality supplements, if you smoke, have high blood pressure, have a strong family history of heart disease, or are obese and eat unhealthy, you will have an increased risk of a heart attack, because there is no strong evidence that antioxidants and vitamins prevent heart attacks unless the risk factors are addressed.
Wrong- The advantages of smoking begin the minute you stop smoking; after one year, your risk of heart attack drops by 50%, and after ten years, it is the same as a non-smoker.