Tall Plants for Balcony Privacy and Shade

Having a balcony garden is a great way to connect with nature and create a peaceful and relaxing environment. Here are five tall plants for your balcony garden

Rubber plant is an easy-to-care houseplant featuring glossy and large leaves. It grows 6 to 10 feet tall

Rubber Plant

Fishtail palm tree features large leaves. It grows 8 to 20 feet| tall

Fishtail Palm

This plant grows 8 to 14 feet tall. It is also known as the golden cane palm and butterfly palm

Areca Palm

The corn plant has long leaves with yellow stripes in the middle. It grows 6 to 12 feet tall

Corn Plant

Dragon tree is a popular indoor plant known for its long and slender green leaves edged with red. It grows 10 to 14 feet tall

Dragon Tree

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