Imagine a scanner going across your entire body. Starting at the top, relax every muscle in your face (including your tongue and cheeks). Make sure your jaw is unclenched. Slowly close your eyes and take slow, deep breaths.
You should feel your shoulders sink into your bed. Move down through your biceps, forearms, and fingers, relaxing every muscle on the way. Continue your deep breathing. It's crucial in order for this to work.
We carry a lot of tension in our chest, back, and abdomen without realizing it. When you exhale, make sure you are completely relaxing your abdominal muscles.
Scan down your leg and let the tension leave your calf, ankle, and foot. Repeat on your left leg.
Imagine yourself lying surrounded by total darkness. If you struggle with this, just count your breaths as you feel your chest relax every time you exhale.
1. Unclench your jaw 2. Release the tension in your shoulders and arms 3. Take deep breaths and relax your chest 4. Loosen the muscles in your legs and feet 5. Count your breaths