Rajkummar Ra shines as the lovable and quirky tailor, Vicky, in this horror-comedy franchise, where he navigates the mystery of a vengeful female spirit terrorising his town.
Rajkummar Rao delivers a gripping performance as a troubled cop in this intense thriller, where he investigates the disappearance of a young woman amidst his own personal battles
The 2024 film revolves around the life of the visually-impaired industrialist and the founder of Bollant Industries, Srikanth Bolla. Rajkummar plays the titular role
Rajkummar Rao portrays the desperation and resilience of a man trapped in a high-rise apartment without food, water, or electricity, turning this survival drama into a claustrophobic thriller.
Rajkummar Rao delivers a powerful performance as Shahid Azmi, a human rights lawyer, in this biographical drama, earning critical acclaim for his role.