5 things to avoid during summers

According to Dr. Dixa Bhavsar Savaliya, Ayurveda doctor, there are several things to avoid during summers. Some of them are mentioned below.

Using copper utensils: Drinking water stored in copper vessels is extremely healthy, but not during summer as copper is heatinng in nature. Especially people with acidity, inflmmation, migraine, heat issues should avoid it.

Consuming curd: Curd is heating in nature and also difficult to digest, so it's best to avoid curd and opt for easier to digest options like buttermilk and lassi

Excessive exercise: Exercise is mandatory for everyone on a regular basis, but excessive exercise is prohibited during summer because naturally people have less energy during summer as the temperature soaks most of our energy.

Sun exposure during the day: Exposure to sunlight daily is wonderful- it helps us produce Vitamin D, happy hormones, improves our mood & sleep, regulates our circadian rhythm etc.

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