Can eating pears help regulate your blood sugar levels?

Pears have been used in Eastern medicine for centuries to address various ailments, including inflammation, constipation, and hangovers

Historical Use in Eastern Medicine

Pears can help regulate blood sugar levels and may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and stroke, thanks to their low glycemic index (GI) rating of 20-49.

Blood Sugar Control

One small pear contains about 7 grams of fiber, providing up to 20% of the daily fiber requirement, aiding in digestion and satiety.

High Fiber Content

The pigments in pears, called anthocyanins, may help lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes Prevention

The high fiber content in pears supports gut health and regular bowel movements.

Benefits for Gut Health

A small pear has about 22 grams of carbs, making it important for diabetics to monitor their intake when including pears in their diet.

Carbohydrate Considerations for Diabetics

Next: 5 ways to lower sugar intake in your diet