Confusing People is always the best Strategy:

If someone is yelling, ask them if they want sand. Works every time.


Stay quiet for a long, uncomfortable moment whenever someone says anything stupid or makes an unreasonable request.  People start second-guessing everything and revealing the stupid things they have done that got them to this point.

When they want to fight, stay calm & agree with them:

It frustrates them that they can't rile you up & essentially exposes them for being an aggressor/ manipulator.

While having a conversation with someone, stare at their forehead:

Stare at their forehead between and slightly above the eye-line.

It throws them off their game, and they have a harder time lying to you or trying to influence you.

Give them a sincere compliment:

If someone yells at you for no specific reason, make it an absolute priority to ask how their day was going or compliment them. Sometimes when a person acts out against you, it's because they had a bad day or are hurt. Show them you care, and you may change their entire outlook.

Storytelling goes hand in hand with empathy:

It puts data to support your argument in context.

When your point seems part of a narrative arc, each aspect of what you're arguing is harder to pick on.

Create a compelling story using: - Empathy - Facts - Emotions

For more such stories