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Friday, February 7, 2025

10 effective ways to keep it off after losing weight

Losing weight requires persistence and never giving up, with a goal of a 5-10% decrease in body weight over a 6-month period. Drink water or coffee without sugar, control quantities and serving sizes, practice mindful eating, manage stimuli and cues, be proactive, seek social assistance, and be optimistic to reduce weight.  You should consume a variety of nutrient-dense meals, maintain a diet and weight journal, exercise regularly, and cut back on liquid calories to lose weight.

Here are 10 effective ways to lose weight and keep it off.

1. Consume a variety of vibrant, nutrient-dense meals.

Human diets should be built around wholesome meals and snacks. It’s crucial to incorporate 50% of fruit and vegetables, 25% of whole grains, and 25% of protein when making a meal plan. An ideal daily fiber intake is 25–30 grams. People should take monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) or polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) to lower the prevalence of coronary heart disease. Foods containing more butter, sugar, or oils should be avoided, as should processed foods, fatty red meats, baked pastries, bagels, and white bread.

2. Maintain a diet and weight journal.

Self-monitoring is essential for achieving weight loss success. To keep track of all the food they eat each day, people can use a paper diary, a smartphone app, or a special website. By keeping a weekly weight log, they may track their development as well.

People are considerably more likely to continue to a weight reduction routine if they can gauge their progress in modest steps and spot visible improvements.

A BMI calculator may be used by people to monitor their body mass index (BMI).

3. Exercise and engage in regular physical activity.

Exercise on a regular basis is vital for both physical and mental wellbeing. People who are not typically physically active should gradually increase their exercise volume and intensity. A beginner who finds the idea of a full workout intimidating can start by performing the following exercises to up their exercise levels: using the stairs, raking leaves, walking a dog, gardening, dancing, playing outdoor games, and parking further away from a building entrance.

Prior medical examination may be advised for some people, particularly those with diabetes, but individuals with a low risk of coronary heart disease are unlikely to need one before beginning an exercise plan.

4. Cut back on liquid calories

Drinking wine, soda, tea, or juice that has been sweetened with sugar is a “empty calorie” that just adds to your caloric intake without adding any nutritious value. Stick to drinking water or coffee or tea that hasn’t been sweetened, with a squeeze of lemon or orange for taste. Avoid confusing hunger with dehydration.

5. Control quantities and measure servings

When dining out, it’s crucial to utilize measuring cups and serving size guidelines because eating too much of any dish might result in weight gain. When dining out, you may keep an eye on your food consumption by using the size comparisons below: One cup is equivalent to a baseball, a quarter of a cup to a golf ball, a half of a cup to a tennis ball, one ounce to a loose bunch of nuts, one teaspoon to a thumb tip, three ounces to a deck of cards, and one slice to a DVD.

6. Mindful eating

Being conscious of your why, how, when, where, and what you consume is known as mindful eating. It entails eating mindfully and slowly, allowing meals to last 20 minutes, and emphasizing satisfaction rather than fullness after eating. In addition, individuals should think about the following issues while selecting their meal: Is the “value” for the calories consumed good? Will it make you feel full?

7. Stimuli and cue management

It is important for people to be aware of the social and environmental signals that might cause them to overeat and to modify their routine to avoid these triggers.

8. Be proactive

Weight reduction might result from developing regular meal plans and stocking a kitchen with foods that are suitable for diets. People should have the ingredients to prepare easy, wholesome meals and purge their kitchens of processed or junk food. Making meal decisions in advance of social gatherings or dining out may also be helpful.

9. Seek social assistance

A successful weight loss journey requires accepting the support of loved ones. A wholesome social network, individual therapy, fitness clubs, partners, and employee help programs at work are other sources of aid.

10. Be optimistic

A gradual process, losing weight involves persistence and never giving up. It’s not necessary to adhere to a rigid eating regimen like Slimming World or the Atkins diet in order to lose weight successfully. To establish a negative energy balance, people should concentrate on consuming less calories and exercising more.

A 5–10% decrease in body weight over a 6-month period is an acceptable weight loss target to begin experiencing health advantages. The majority of people may accomplish this aim by limiting their daily caloric intake to between 1,000 and 1,600 calories.

The rate of weight reduction often slows down and body weight tends to plateau after six months of dieting. The best strategy to prevent gaining back lost weight is to follow a weight management program that includes a healthy eating regimen and frequent exercise.

Prescription weight-loss drugs may be beneficial for those with a BMI of 30 or above who do not have any health issues connected to obesity. Surgical treatment is a possibility if weight loss efforts are ineffective and a person has a BMI of 40 or above.

It is simpler to gain back lost weight than to lose it. People who are mindful of their eating habits and regularly exercise or engage in daily physical activity will be effective in losing weight and keeping it off.

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