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Thursday, July 4, 2024

5 Superfoods to Boost Your Energy

5 superfoods to boost your energy levels, from flaxseeds to acai
Balancing physical activity with the demands of a hectic daily life can be challenging. Sleepless nights, rushed meals, and last-minute work events can seriously disrupt a well-established sports routine. These interruptions can make you feel demotivated or push you to even stop physical activity altogether. To make sure this doesn’t happen, it’s essential to focus on nutrition so that your energy levels remain intact. Regardless of the kind of exercise you’re doing, balanced meals are crucial for building strength, muscle development, and easy recovery. Some foods stand out for their exceptional nutritional content and incorporating them into your daily routine can help combat temporary fatigue. Find our list of superfoods below.

Flax seeds are packed with unsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3s, which are great for muscle recovery and reducing inflammation in athletes. They are also rich in fibre, magnesium, and protein, which are all essential for optimal body function. You can easily incorporate flax into your diet by using flaxseed oil to dress salads or adding seeds to yoghurt or baked goods.

During and after intense exercise sessions, the need for vitamin C increases significantly. Foods like peppers, chillies, citrus fruits, and kiwis are great sources, but acerola stands out due to its exceptional concentration. A small cherry, has over 4% of its weight in vitamin C, compared to just 0.05% for a peeled orange. This makes acerola an ideal food for those fitness enthusiasts and athletes. It helps boost metabolism and reduce both mental and physical fatigue. If you can’t find it in its raw form, an easy way to incorporate it into your daily routine is through a chewable tablet in the morning.

Used in the Far East for thousands of years, ginseng is one of the most well-known superfoods among top athletes. As an “adaptogenic” medicinal plant, it helps the body respond to stress and any other imbalances. Ginseng is frequently used to combat fatigue, enhance cardio-respiratory function during exercise and facilitate faster recovery post-workout. It has a caffeine-like effect that also improves concentration levels, making it a great alternative to coffee. While fresh ginseng roots can be infused in water, you can also take in the form of a powdered capsule to fully reap its benefits.

Spirulina, a microscopic algae that thrives in lakes and ponds, is renowned for its exceptional nutritional profile. Its main advantage is its high protein content, which is thirty times more than soy, and an essential for healthy tissue and bone growth. Spirulina also has essential fatty acids, carotenoids, essential amino acids, iron, calcium, magnesium, and vitamins A, B, and E. The World Health Organisation once called it “the best food for humanity in the 21st century.” It works as a great supplement to reduce the effects of lactic acid, which is responsible for muscle soreness and aids in muscle repair.

Celebrities like Kim Kardashian are right to have a fondness for acai bowls. Acai substantially benefits the body because of its high concentration of antioxidants. Athletes should consume more antioxidants since physical exertion increases oxidative stress which causes pain and inflammation. Like blueberries, acai berries are rich in carbohydrates, omega-3, 6, and 9 fatty acids, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. This makes them a powerful energy and recovery booster. With their tangy flavour, reminiscent of cocoa and berries, acai can be enjoyed as frozen pulp or powder in an acai bowl or smoothie.


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