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Sunday, September 8, 2024

“The ultimate guide to Garbhasanskar.” A Marathi version of the book will be releasing soon

Dr Nutan specializes in Ayurveda and Yoga, which are among the natural therapies practiced in India. Learning about the sciences of Ayurveda and Yoga has become the need of the hour, after Covid-19 hit the world, as we all need to take care of our health, wellbeing and immunity. The world needs holistic therapies like Ayurveda and Yoga, which can guide us achieve physical as well as mental wellbeing. As a result of the pandemic, people have realized that immunity plays an important role in our wellbeing and in preventing serious disease. Ayurveda is extremely relevant today because it is not merely a science of medicine—it is a lifelong practice that combines mental and physical health to keep a person disease-free and healthy. Dinacharya (daily routine) and ritucharya (seasonal lifestyle) are the cornerstones of leading a life based on the principles of Ayurveda. These again are based on three pillars—diet, discipline and lifestyle. Ayurveda offers a manual on how to live life.

Apart from Ayurveda and Yoga, Dr. Nutan holds significant expertise in Garbhasanskar, which means educating the child inside the mother’s womb. Garbhasanskar is an ancient wisdom that helps achieve good health and well-being in would-be parents and new life in the womb from conception to the birth of a child. Her expertise in the field, led Dr. Nutan to author the book “The ultimate guide to Garbhasanskar.” A Marathi version of the book will be released soon.

Dr. Nutan has a relentless passion and desire to educate, counsel, and help people live healthier and happier lives. This led her to launch AYG Academy amidst the pandemic in July 2020. While building AYG Academy, she aimed to focus on teaching, training and healing people through the ayurveda and yoga based natural therapies.

When Dr. Nutan founded AYG Academy she wanted to take these ancient Indian treasures of  Ayurveda, Yoga and Garbhasanskar across the country. Dr. Nutan has successfully achieved this, as AYG Academy has so far trained over 500 teachers and heal countless patients.

Moreover, Dr. Nutan has also served as a clinical physician in some of Mumbai’s most prestigious hospitals and yoga centres, and worked in rural hospitals. She has helped create several articles published on health and traditional science in various digital and print media formats. Dr. Nutan has also given various interviews to media leaders in India, including CNBC Awaaz News Channel, Vividh Bharati, FM radio, and Akashwani.

Dr. Nutan has over 18 years of experience in teaching, training, and healing, during which period she has taught Prenatal Postnatal Yoga and Garbhasanskar courses.

Following an Ayurveda-prescribed lifestyle can help combat the seasonal flu and colds. Dr Nutan Pakhare, Ayurveda and Yoga consultant and founder of the AYG Academy in Mumbai shares tips on how to stay healthy as the season changes.

Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables which are rich in ‘prana’ or life force because that energises the body and is recommended as part of the diet. Avoid stale, processed or preserved foods which do not have prana. In several Indian cultures, eating stale or leftover food is prohibited in order to prevent digestive disorders that may arise from consuming food that’s devoid of prana. Even as a seasonal diet offers nutrition, Ayurveda has a treasure trove of rasayanas or rejuvenating herbs such as ashwagandha, amla and shatawari and formulations like chyawanprash and ginger tea that can boost immunity.

During the winters, the digestive power is strong. As the external atmosphere is cold, the body retains heat inside and attempts to preserve it. Therefore, the internal digestive fire becomes stronger and can metabolise oils, fats and dairy products. Therefore, these should be included in the diet. A daily regimen plays an equally important role in boosting and maintaining good health and immunity in Ayurveda principles. It should not be sedentary or excessively strenuous. Ayurveda recommends plans that often include a mix of diet, yoga, meditation, massages and fasting for optimum health. A lot of bodily ailments arise from a weak digestive system which leads to a build-up of toxins. Regular fasting restarts the digestive system, cleanses the colon and promotes health.

Dr Nutan Pakhare has been groomed by well-known physicians of her hometown, Mumbai.

Website – www.drnutan.com

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