Polymathic AI, a ChatGPT-based artificial intelligence platform for scientific discovery, has been launched by international scientists. Polymathic AI seeks to revolutionize scientific research with precision and transparency in AI and machine learning.
Polymathic AI, a pioneering research endeavor by international experts, uses ChatGPT technology to construct a scientific discovery AI tool.
ChatGPT focuses on natural language processing, although Polymathic AI excels elsewhere. Numerical data and physics simulations from numerous scientific fields can help researchers model supergiant stars and climate patterns.
Principal investigator Shirley Ho, a group leader at the Flatiron Institute’s Center for Computational Astrophysics in New York City, believes this program will transform AI and machine learning in research. She compares it like learning a new language when you know many.
Instead of beginning from scratch, Polymathic AI uses a foundation model to speed up and improve scientific model creation. This method can reveal scientific domain similarities even when the training data is unrelated to the problem.
The Polymathic AI team includes physics, astrophysics, mathematics, AI, and neuroscience professionals. Their initiative will collect data from physics and astrophysics sources and ultimately expand to chemistry and genetics. This integrative method will address several scientific issues.
Precision is a major advantage of Polymathic AI over ChatGPT. The project uses real scientific datasets to represent the universe’s mechanics and considers numerical data as numbers, not characters.
Polymathic AI prioritizes transparency and openness. The team wants to democratize AI for scientific study by making their work public. They want to give scientists a pre-trained model to improve scientific studies in several fields. This project advances AI in scientific research.
Polymathic AI, a ChatGPT-based artificial intelligence platform for scientific discovery, was launched by international scientists. The team, which includes physics, astrophysics, mathematics, artificial intelligence, and neurology professionals, will simulate supergiant stars and climate patterns using numerical data and physics simulations. The effort seeks to transform science with AI and machine learning. Polymathic AI represents the universe’s physics using real scientific facts and numerical data. With the purpose of making all work public, the initiative prioritizes transparency and openness. The researchers will provide a pre-trained model to scientists to improve studies in many fields.