Actor Saif Ali Khan recently reunited with Bhajan Singh Rana, the rickshaw driver who played a pivotal role in saving his life during a critical moment. The meeting, attended by Saif’s mother, Sharmila Tagore, was an emotional occasion as the actor expressed his heartfelt gratitude for Rana’s courage and selflessness. Saif commended Rana for his bravery and assured him of support, promising to settle the unpaid fare from that fateful day. He also encouraged the driver to continue being a beacon of help to others, as reported by IANS.
A photograph circulating on social media captures the poignant moment between the two. The image shows Saif Ali Khan, dressed in a casual white shirt and sunglasses, seated beside Rana in a hospital room. Saif, smiling warmly with his arm around Rana, appears ready for discharge, while Rana, in a blue shirt with a mask resting around his neck, sits humbly by his side.
The incident that brought them together occurred when Saif was attacked and stabbed by a robber at his Mumbai residence, leaving many shocked. Following the attack, Rana’s quick response in rushing the actor to the hospital in his auto-rickshaw proved crucial. Saif underwent immediate surgery, and his recovery has since been a testament to timely intervention.
Rana’s selfless actions did not go unnoticed. According to a news portal, the rickshaw driver was later honored by an institution, receiving a reward of ₹11,000 for his good deeds. The recognition highlights the impact of his bravery, turning a harrowing incident into a story of heroism and gratitude.