Bollywood’s perfectionist, Aamir Khan, is set to take audiences on another emotional journey with Sitaare Zameen Par, the much-awaited sequel to the beloved Taare Zameen Par. The film, reuniting Aamir with Darsheel Safary after 16 years, is scheduled to release this Christmas, promising fans a nostalgic and heartwarming experience.
At the Republic Day 2025 celebrations held at the Statue of Unity in Gujarat, Aamir Khan shared updates about his projects. Responding to questions about filming in the state, Aamir revealed that the climax of Sitaare Zameen Par was shot in Vadodara, Gujarat.
“The sequel to Taare Zameen Par is Sitaare Zameen Par, and the climax of that movie was shot in Vadodara,” Aamir said.
The movie follows the story of Ishaan’s journey, offering a continuation of the themes and emotions that resonated deeply with audiences in the original. Aamir also confirmed that the film is slated for a Christmas release.
“My next film as a lead actor is Sitaare Zameen Par. We are trying to release it by the end of this year, on the occasion of Christmas. It is an entertaining film. I like the story. The shooting of the film has begun,” he added.
With its unique blend of heartfelt storytelling and Aamir Khan’s creative touch, Sitaare Zameen Par is poised to become one of the most anticipated releases of the year.