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Monday, March 10, 2025

Alert: Stay away from liking YouTube videos to earn money; a Mumbai man lost Rs 8.5 lakh in the scam

When a guy from Mumbai attempted to make money by liking movies on YouTube, he fell victim to a scam that cost him more than Rs 8.5 lakh. The victim was allegedly ‘forced’ to do certain things, one of which required depositing money into several bank accounts, according to the police.

In the past few months, there has been a significant increase in the number of incidents that have been recorded in which people have been duped by fraudsters into placing money in various accounts. In most instances, the victims were presented with a “part-time job offer” that demanded they “like” various videos on YouTube in order to get payment.

To gain the victim’s confidence, the con artists would initially place a little amount of money in their bank account. As soon as the victim begins to trust the con artist, the con artist will move on to tasks that involve significant quantities of money. Such con artists have taken advantage of a great number of individuals. The most recent person to fall prey to it is a man residing in the Andheri neighborhood of Mumbai.

According to a story that was published in local media, con artists approached a man residing in Mumbai with a job offer in which the only need was to like films that were uploaded to YouTube. During the first week of May, a woman contacted the guy with the employment offer and the promise of daily compensation ranging from 3,000 to 6,000 Indian rupees (Rs).

According to the complaint, the lady also informed the victim that her firm was involved in marketing and that in order for him to receive money from the ‘work offer,’ he would have to like the videos that her company posted on YouTube. This was done so that the victim would believe the ‘job offer’ was legitimate.

At initially, the assignments included very insignificant amounts of money, and the victim got these relatively insignificant amounts in his bank account on many occasions. The victim began to trust the con artist as a result of the consistent payments they received.

At some point, he was connected to a few groups on Telegram, and he was informed that his money will be put in what was referred to as his “virtual account.” The con artists put up this so-called “virtual account” as a hoax to make the victim believe that he was in fact receiving paid through the account when in reality it was just a ruse.

After that, the victim started obtaining high-paying assignments and was added to specific ‘VIP task groups,’ according to the cops who spoke to the local media. However, when he expressed a desire to leave the group, he was told that he could not do so and that he would be given a new assignment that entailed a far greater quantity.

“When it was expected of him to accomplish the following assignment with a significantly higher amount of money, he protested to it and demanded that his money be transferred to his bank account. According to a statement made by a police officer to the journal, the man was warned that he would lose half of his pay if he quit the assignment in the middle.

According to the article, the victim became suspicious that he was the victim of a scam after he was requested to send Rs. 2.5 lakh in payment for a work. As a consequence of his actions, he wound up losing a total of 8.59 lakh rupees.

Nitin Gohil
Nitin Gohil
A Mumbai-based tech professional with a passion for writing about his field: through his columns and blogs, he loves exploring and sharing insights on the latest trends, innovations, and challenges in technology, designing and integrating marketing communication strategies, client management, and analytics. His favourite quote is, "Let's dive into the fascinating world of tech together."

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