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Saturday, July 6, 2024

Beach Safety 101: Understanding the Universal Beach Flag Symbols for a Safe Beach Experience

On a recent trip to Goa, I noticed several beachgoers hesitating at the water’s edge, puzzled by a red flag flying high. One family, unaware of its meaning, was about to dive in until a lifeguard hurriedly intervened, explaining the dangers of the strong currents that day. This experience underscored the critical importance of understanding beach flag symbols.

Hello! Vacationing on the beach is an all-time favourite activity of travellers. However, most of us have little to no knowledge about the meaning of various beach flags displayed on the beaches.  These flags give vital information about the water and beach conditions to the beachgoers; we all should know their meanings.

Let’s understand the universal beach flag symbols and their indication concerning the safety of the water.

Blue Flag: Blue Flag is an eco-label (certification) awarded to beaches, marinas and sustainable boat tourism operators. It indicates clean and hygienic bathing water, along with basic infrastructure for tourists. 

Red Flag– if you witness a red flag at the beach, then it indicates high danger, strong currents, or high surfing conditions. The warning is especially to beginners and non-skilled people not to jump in the waters.

Doubled Red Flag: If you see 2 red flags at the beach, that means the beach is closed.

Yellow Flag: The symbol at the ocean represents a medium hazard with moderate rip currents/surf conditions. Use extra care and be very cautious in the water

Purple Flag: A purple flag at the beach means that there is the presence of dangerous marine life such as jellyfish, sharks, stingrays, sea lice, or dangerous algae. This flag may be accompanied by other flags. 

Green Flag: This flag is a reliever. This is great for swimming and indicates low hazard. One may exercise normal care.

Orange Flag: An orange flag means no lifeguard on duty. You should be careful and it is advisable not to bring inflatables into the water here.

Square of Black and White Flag: Swimming is not allowed on beaches where you find combined black and white flags. All non-swimming activities are debarred like surfing or windsurfing.

Red on top of yellow Flag at the beach: The flag represents that there are lifeguards are patrolling around for your safety.

Yellow Flag with black circle – It means a swimming-only beach. No surfing is allowed in the ocean Watercraft use is prohibited.

Final words

These beach flags are the same all around the world and the primary aim of creating such universal symbols is to keep all beachgoers safe. Hence it is recommended for beach lovers to understand the meanings of the above different flags. If you are unsure about what a particular flag means, you can always ask a lifeguard or any other person present there.


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