Karan Veer Mehra emerged as the winner of Bigg Boss 18 on Sunday night, taking home the coveted trophy. He triumphed over Vivian Dsena, one of the season’s strongest contenders. Throughout the show, the dynamic between Karan Veer and Vivian captivated audiences, keeping them engaged as their evolving relationship unfolded on-screen.
In an interview after his victory, Karan Veer reflected on the highlights and challenges of his journey in the Bigg Boss house. When asked about the low point, he admitted that participating in a roast targeting Vivian was something he regretted and felt he could have avoided.
Discussing his complex relationship with Vivian, whom he has known for 12 years, Karan Veer described it as a “lover’s spat”. He explained that their differing perceptions of friendship often caused friction. While Vivian viewed him as a close friend, Karan Veer felt that Vivian was gaining advantages too easily. Despite these clashes, their bond evolved over the 100 days of the show, leaving both with a newfound understanding of each other.
Celebrating his win, Karan Veer shared his excitement on Instagram with a heartfelt post alongside pictures of his trophy. He wrote, “The moment we all have been waiting for is finally HERE! JANTA KA LAADLA has won.”
His triumph marks the end of a season filled with drama, camaraderie, and memorable moments, solidifying his place as a fan favorite.