Today, Prime Minister Narendra Modi departed for the US on a historic state visit, receiving the highest level of diplomatic honors usually reserved for close allies. During the visit, an unparalleled agreement on the transfer of jet engine technology is also expected.
This week, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will go to the United States for a trip welcomed as a turning point in mutual relations, with more defence industry cooperation and the sharing of cutting-edge technology taking the stage.
The visit is anticipated to strengthen a new connection that is supported by not only global politics but also commerce and economics by giving India access to crucial American technologies that Washington rarely shares with non-allies.
In a period of its own military concerns and poor ties with China, India has also overcome its “hesitations of history” and turned towards the West, as Modi phrased it in a 2016 speech to the U.S. Congress.
Despite having made multiple prior trips to the US, this will be Modi’s first with the full diplomatic status of an official state visit. It will also be the third visit by an Indian leader to the US during the presidency of Joe Biden.
It marks a turning point in our relationship. According to India’s Foreign Secretary Vinay Kwatra, it is a highly significant and essential visit.
According to Kwatra, a significant accomplishment in the field of defence cooperation, particularly between the militaries of the two nations, would be highlighted as India aims to increase domestic production of weapons and equipment for both domestic use and export.