Actress Kangana Ranaut is said to have been attacked by lady constable Kulwinder Kaur at the Chandigarh airport; she was suspended by the Central Industrial Security Force on Thursday. The event was corroborated by a senior CISF official, who said that a FIR against the female constable is currently being filed. “We have filed a complaint against the relevant lady constable at the local police station. The officer declared, “She has been suspended effective immediately, and an investigation into the matter has been ordered.”
When the event happened, Kangana was ready to catch an aircraft to Delhi at around 3:30 pm. Ranaut was reportedly smacked by a CISF constable earlier today when she was traveling to Delhi for a next National Democratic Alliance (NDA) meeting.
Kangana Ranaut, the MP for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), inquired on social media how Punjab can stop the rise of “extremism” and “terrorism.” “I’m secure. I’m doing great. The incident happened as part of the security inspection. A female CISF constable was waiting for me to enter the cabin after I had finished the security check. Later, she attacked me in the face from the side and began harassing me, Ranaut wrote in a post on “X.”
“The CSIS official informed me that she had backed the farmers’ protest when I questioned her about why she had taken this action. The BJP leader continued, “My question is how we stop the increasing extremism and terrorism in Punjab.
Her mother was one of the farmers participating in a sit-in protest against the agricultural restrictions, which have since been abolished, according to the CISF constable. The farmers, according to her, are waiting for Rs 100. Is she going to go sit there? When my mother made this declaration, she was sitting there objecting she said.
The farm laws, which have since been overturned, were the target of the 15-month-long farmers’ protest, along with other complaints. By a margin of 74,755 votes, Kangana Ranaut defeated Congress candidate Vikramaditya Singh from Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.