Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone, the power couple and soon-to-be parents in Bollywood, attended a high-profile wedding in the city on January 17. Even if the couple’s chemistry was enough to get the cameras rolling, Deepika’s stunning ensemble was what really made us fall in love with her again. Let’s look at what she is wearing.
Deepika Padukone stole the show as she walked hand in hand with Ranveer while wearing designer Jigya Patel’s gorgeous outfit. She looked stunning in a white flared Anarkali with Patan Patola embroidery on the hem, which pays homage to Gujarat’s rich textile history. Her pink dupatta, which she wore with ease over both shoulders, was the real show-stopper. The dupatta itself was a work of art, with a very tidy line of pink tassels on the hem and intricate Patan Patola and Bandhej work throughout. Deepika never fails to overlook even the most minor details, as evidenced by her style.
The Bollywood actress elevated the look with a plethora of gold jewelry—another example of how accessories can make or ruin an ensemble! Her neckline was adorned with layered gold necklaces, which gave her a sense of wealth and regal status. Her face was beautifully framed by her gold earrings, which were as striking as ever. What about shoes? She chose to wear juttis, demonstrating how pizzazz and comfort were evolving beyond being best friends.
She maintained her makeup fresh and glowing. Her cheeks were subtly flushed, giving her a natural glow, and her lips were adorned with delicate pink lipstick. Her sleek eyeliner, which nicely highlighted her eyes, complemented her arched brows, which gave her face definition. She decided to finish the style with a tidy bun, which gave her whole appearance a hint of refinement.
Deepika Padukone provided ethereal elegance to the wedding, while Ranveer Singh added his distinct charm. Wearing a cream-colored sherwani with golden embroidery, the actor exuded charm. He matched it with his gruff beard and sunglasses, which made him the ideal match for Deepika’s dreamy appearance.
Deepika and Ranveer demonstrated that they can effortlessly manage being the best-dressed pair in the room and taking care of the kid with their flawless style and new parent glow.