Mouth cancer is linked to HPV-16 infection, alcohol consumption, poor diet, environmental factors, and family history. Know what causes mouth cancer in a non-smoker.
Oral or mouth cancer is the second most common type of cancer in India. Smoking and chewing tobacco are strongly linked. Concerns have been raised about its rise in non-smokers. The globe commemorates ‘globe Cancer Day’ on February 4 to raise awareness and fight cancer. Chief of Medical Oncology at Unique Hospital Cancer Centre in Dwarka, India, Dr. Ashish Gupta outlines non-smoker oral cancer reasons to avoid and diagnosis early.
HPV, especially HPV-16, is a substantial mouth cancer risk factor for non-smokers. This virus spreads by oral and physical contact. HPV vaccinations developed in India are essential for avoiding these cases.
Alcohol: Chronic alcohol consumption increases oral cancer risk without tobacco. Alcohol destroys oral cells over time. About 30% of oral cancers are connected to alcohol.
Poor diets, especially those lacking fruits and vegetables, may raise mouth cancer risk. Cell defense requires antioxidants and minerals from these meals. A diet lacking fresh vegetables increases mouth cancer risk by 50%, according to research.
Environmental factors: Sunlight causes lip cancer.
Ill-fitting dentures or abrasive teeth can cause cell damage and mouth cancer. Few but significant mouth cancer cases are linked to dental conditions.
A family history of cancer may raise oral cancer risk.
Understanding these traits reduces danger even if we don’t smoke or chew tobacco.
Oral or mouth cancer, the second most common type of cancer in India, is linked to smoking and tobacco use. In non-smokers, human papillomavirus infection, alcohol use, poor nutrition, environmental factors, persistent irritation, and family history cause mouth cancer, according to Dr. Ashish Gupta, Chief of Medical Oncology at Unique Hospital Cancer Centre in Dwarka Avoiding these circumstances requires HPV vaccination. A poor diet, lack of fresh vegetables, sunshine, denture irritation, and a cancer family history may increase risk.