Govinda’s wife, Sunita Ahuja, recently opened up about the strained relationship between the actor and director David Dhawan. Once known for their successful collaborations on iconic hits like Saajan Chale Sasural, Bade Miyan Chote Miyan, Hero No. 1, and Raja Babu, the duo’s bond has deteriorated due to misunderstandings over time.
In an interview, Sunita described David Dhawan as a father figure to her. Reflecting on the breakdown of their partnership, she explained how external influences created a rift. “Back then, actors had a lot of ‘chamchas’ (sycophants) who would create misunderstandings. People became jealous seeing the successful partnership between David and Govinda. When you surround yourself with negative people, it’s inevitable that their negativity will affect you,” she said.
Sunita Ahuja went on to clarify that David never intended any harm. He had merely observed how the industry had evolved, making solo-hero films less viable than they were in the 1990s. According to her, David suggested Govinda consider prominent second-lead roles instead of waiting for solo-hero projects. “David didn’t say anything wrong. He pointed out that solo-hero films from the 90s rarely succeed today. He even reminded Govinda of Bade Miyan Chote Miyan, where he played a second lead, which wasn’t a bad choice. But people around Govinda provoked him, saying, ‘You’re the hero.’ It makes me angry to think how these influences worked against him,” Sunita explained.
She also touched upon Govinda’s struggle to adapt to changing times. She admitted that he remains stuck in the mindset of the 1990s when he was at the peak of his career. This outdated perspective, she said, affects his ability to offer relevant advice, even to his son Yashvardhan, who is preparing for his Bollywood debut. “Nobody listens to Govinda’s advice because it’s rooted in the 90s. I offer guidance that aligns with 2024. We constantly urge him to move on from the past,” she said.
Despite these challenges, Sunita expressed hope for the future while acknowledging the lasting impact of the misunderstandings that have shaped Govinda’s career and personal relationships.