A study has found that India and other Asian, European, African, and Middle Eastern countries have the highest burden of heart disease-related deaths. Such deaths increased from 12.4 million in 1990 to 19.8 million in 2022.
High blood pressure, cholesterol, dietary risks, and air pollution cause the most heart-related deaths in India and other Asian, European, African, and Middle Eastern countries, according to a study. Researchers found elevated heart-disease-related death rates from 12.4 million in 1990 to 19.8 million in 2022 after reviewing data from 21 locations. They observed that these deaths rose in 27 of 204 locales during 2015-2022.
These numbers also reflect global population growth and ageing and preventable metabolic, environmental, and behavioral risks, according to researchers from the National Institutes of Health and Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), University of Washington, US.
“The 2023 Almanac represents an important resource for using locally relevant data to inform local-level actions for heart-healthy and thriving communities,” stated study author George A. Mensah, NHLBI director.
Global CVD mortality was highest at 110 fatalities per 1,000 persons from ischemic heart disease, followed by brain hemorrhage and stroke. American College of Cardiology Journal.
During ischemia, blood vessel enlargement or clotting may cause local anaemia.
Central Asia, Eastern Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East had the highest systolic blood pressure-related mortality rates per 1,000 people.
Central Asia, Oceania, North Africa, and the Middle East had the most dietary-risk-related heart disease.
“Cardiovascular diseases are a persistent challenge that lead to an enormous number of premature and preventable deaths,” senior author Gregory A. Roth of IHME said.
Eastern Europe had the highest CVD death rate at 553 per 1,000, while Australasia had 122.5.
“There are many inexpensive, efficient solutions. We know to identify and treat risk factors. Simple choices can improve health.”Roth claimed that this atlas details countries’ cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment initiatives.
The 2020 Global Cardiovascular Disease Burden Researchers work with the Journal, IHME, and NHLBI.
Researchers said the 2023 Global Burden of Diseases (GBD) Study updates 2022 by highlighting the major global modifiable cardiovascular risk factors, their disease burden, and current preventative advancements from 204 nations and territories.