KL Rahul is set to be rested from the upcoming white-ball series against England, starting on January 22 with a five-match T20I series followed by a three-match ODI series. According to a Times of India report, Rahul will not participate in these limited-overs fixtures but has been assured by the selectors of his inclusion in the Champions Trophy 2025. An unnamed source confirmed, “Rahul has been assured of his spot in the Champions Trophy. Hence, he will be rested from the England series.”
Following his strong performance at the top of the order in the recently concluded Border-Gavaskar Trophy series in Australia, Rahul will also skip the Vijay Hazare Trophy games for Karnataka. Rahul has been India’s preferred wicketkeeper in the 50-over format, showcasing impressive form during last year’s World Cup where he scored 452 runs at an average of 75.33 across 11 matches. However, his form in T20 cricket has been a concern, leading to his exclusion from India’s T20 World Cup-winning squad in 2024.
With Rishabh Pant returning to international cricket, it remains uncertain whether Rahul will continue as India’s primary wicketkeeper. Pant has yet to establish himself in the 50-over format since his return, which could lead the selectors to favor Rahul for the middle-order and wicketkeeping role in the upcoming ICC event.