Do you enjoy taking naps? If you enjoy napping in the afternoon to unwind after a long day at work, you have probably wondered when the best time to get some sleep is. Do not worry, though. A recent study has discovered the solution for you.
When is the ideal time to nap?
According to a recent study by Avocado Green Mattress on behalf of Talker Research, 1:42 pm is the ideal time to nap. According to the survey, the average person aims for 51 minutes of sleep. A brief 20-minute nap, on the other hand, is ideal for rejuvenation without the dreaded sleep inertia, which is a brief loss of focus and a drop in mood and/or performance after waking up. Longer than that, however, can make you feel worse.
The study found that naps that last more than an hour and twenty-six minutes—roughly thirty-five minutes longer than the “ideal” duration—enter the danger zone. Instead of feeling rejuvenated, you wind up feeling dazed and confused. In the meantime, you are still asleep for an additional hour and forty-four minutes if your nap lasts longer than this. You have transitioned into a full sleep session, not just a nap.
Additional research findings:
The study suggests that those who snooze frequently lead more fulfilling social lives. Compared to 34% of non-nappers, 48% of self-described nappers reported having a vibrant social life. Furthermore, compared to 39% of non-nappers, 50% of nappers said they were satisfied with their romantic life.
Regarding success, 39% of nappers and 32% of non-nappers reported feeling successful.
The advantages of taking naps
In the study, 55% of participants reported feeling more productive after waking up after a nap. The fact that research participants felt well-rested for roughly half of a typical week, however, raises the possibility that many are taking naps to compensate for their insufficient nocturnal sleep.