After Narendra Modi’s visit, MakeMyTrip recorded a 3,400% increase in Lakshadweep’s searches, despite Maldivian politician controversy. India’s EaseMyTrip canceled Maldives flights to support the nation.
After Narendra Modi’s visit, MakeMyTrip reported a significant increase of travelers’ interest in Lakshadweep’s picturesque islands. The online travel company noted 3,400% rise in on-platform searches for the Union Territory.
Tourism has increased since Maldivian politicians ridiculed PM Modi’s Lakshadweep visit. Maldives authorities stated PM Modi insults did not reflect Male’s views. MakeMyTrip’s Lakshadweep coverage surged after the Prime Minister’s visit, suggesting tourism growth.
Monday, Indian online travel provider EaseMyTrip suspended all Maldives airline bookings due to the incident. EaseMyTrip founder Nishant Pitti said on ‘X’ that the decision was “in solidarity with our nation.”
In solidarity with our nation, EaseMyTrip has suspended all Maldives flight bookings, tweeted Nishant Pitti. Travel Update #SupportNation.” After the incident and rude statements, the corporation discontinued Maldives services and supported India.
MakeMyTrip reported 3,400% growth of tourist interest in Lakshadweep after PM Modi’s visit. Maldivian politicians mocked Modi’s visit. The Maldives administration said the insults didn’t reflect Male’s values. Indian online travel company EaseMyTrip stopped Maldives ticket bookings “in solidarity with our nation.”