On Tuesday, the Moto G05 was launches in India. The MediaTek Helio G81 Extreme SoC powers the smartphone, which also has a 5,200mAh battery that supports 18W wired charging. It has an 8-megapixel selfie camera in addition to a 50-megapixel primary camera. For security, the phone has a fingerprint sensor on the side. Later this month, the phone will be sold nationwide with a single RAM and storage option. Alongside the Moto E15, the G05 was introduced in a few international regions in December 2024.
Moto G05 Price India, Availability
According to a press statement from the manufacturer, the Moto G05’s price in India is Rs. 6,999 for the single 4GB + 64GB RAM and storage combination. Beginning at noon IST on January 13, the phone will be sold nationwide through Flipkart, the Motorola India website, and physical retail locations. Plum Red and Forest Green are the colour options available.
Dependency: When buying the Moto G05, Jio customers in India will receive up to Rs. 2,000 in cashback. Up to Rs. 3,000 in additional voucher advantages are available to them. These deals are available to Jio customers with prepaid plans starting at Rs. 449.
Moto G05 Specifications & Features
The Moto G05 has a 6.67-inch HD+ (720 x 1,612 pixel) LCD screen with Corning Gorilla Glass 3 protection, a refresh rate of 90 Hz, and a maximum brightness of 1,000 nits. A MediaTek Helio G81 Extreme SoC, 4GB of LPDDR4X RAM, and 64GB of internal storage power the phone. A microSD card can increase the storage to 1TB and expand the RAM to 12GB. The phone comes with Hello UI skinned on top of Android 15.
The Moto G05’s optics include an 8-megapixel selfie camera at the front and a 50-megapixel primary rear camera with Quad Pixel Technology. The phone has an IP52 rating to prevent dust and splash damage. It features two stereo speakers that enable Dolby Atmos.
A 5,200mAh battery with 18W wired charging is housed in the Moto G05. Dual 4G LTE, Bluetooth 5.4, FM radio, GPS, A-GPS, LTEPP, SUPL, GLONASS, Galileo, Wi-Fi, a 3.5mm audio connector, and a USB Type-C port are among the connectivity possibilities. The phone contains a fingerprint sensor on the side for security. It weighs 188.8g and has dimensions of 165.67 x 75.98 x 8.10mm.