Janhvi Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao are featured in a new trailer that Netflix released on Wednesday morning for the next weekend episode. In the first scene of the teaser, Janhvi and Rajkummar play a game of dumb charades in which the actress makes funny faces and the actor has to guess the name of the dessert. Rajkummar was unable to guess the name of the many animals that Janhvi was playfully portraying while imitating. Subsequently, the actress asks Kapil Sharma, the host, to refrain from including her shenanigans in the teaser. But Netflix also posted, “sorry trailer mein dal diya,” after posting the scene from the trailer’s opening.
Kapil can also be seen jokingly questioning Janhvi about her ideal life partner in the teaser. In reference to her rumored admirer Shikhar Pahariya, he asked if she would select a life partner who shared the same interests as “jis Shikhar par aap aaj hai.” When she hears this, she begins to boil.
As the scene changes, Kapil can be seen questioning Rajkummar about his collaboration with Jahnvi. She previously worked with the actor on the film Roohi, in which she plays a ghost. In his upcoming film, Mr. and Mrs. Mahi, she plays his wife. When asked if Janhvi’s presence as a ghost or her marriage astonished him more, Rajkummar responds,
“Whether it’s a ghost or a wife, it is the same.”
Janhvi and Rajkummar both appeared on The Great Indian Kapil Show to promote Mr. and Mrs. Mahi, their next movie. Mr and Mrs Mahi features Abhishek Banerjee, Rajesh Sharma, Kumud Mishra, Zarina Wahab, and Purnendu Bhattacharya in prominent roles, in addition to Rajkummar and Janhvi. Sharan Sharma, who made his directing debut with Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl, which also featured Janhvi in the starring role, is the director of Mr. and Mrs. Mahi. The Mahi family is supported by Hiroo Yash Johar. Apoorva Mehta and Karan Johar have also backed the movie for Dharma Productions.