Nobody plans to become impoverished, yet a large number of individuals do. Here are some of the most well-known methods of assuring a life of poverty.
Nobody plans to become impoverished, yet a large number of individuals do. Here are some of the most well-known methods of assuring a life of poverty:
We don’t require any schooling.
If you drop out of school or fail to complete a basic education, you will significantly limit your work opportunities. Furthermore, acquiring additional talents is difficult if you lack the fundamental ones. Yet, this strategy does not ensure poverty because some exceptional people thrive despite having little formal schooling due to sheer hard effort or intrinsic skill.
Create an addiction.
Addictions are excellent ways to waste money and health. Cocaine and heroin are quick ways to hell. Gambling also works quite well. Alcoholism is a time-honored option that has destroyed many a career and relationship. However, there are several exceptions. While only a small percentage of frequent gamblers win, some alcoholics can operate for an extended period of time. In the end, addiction typically triumphs.
Never, ever save.
Savings help develop wealth, so blowing any excess wages or bonuses on having a good time is a solid strategy for long-term poverty.
Borrowing to buy a house or acquire a degree is a good investment, but borrowing for vacations, vehicles, and other non-essential purchases is not. To get destitute, max up your credit cards and continue borrowing until the repayments overwhelm you.
Go straight to prison.
A proven method to prevent success is to become engaged in crime, especially early in life, and wind up in prison, where you can lose years that could have been spent gaining an education and useful skills. Petty offenders have a difficult time finding work, forming relationships, and retaining riches. Of sure, some criminals get wealthy, but they run the danger of being removed by competition.
Continue to work in a dead-end, low-paying job.
A low-paying work is OK if you appreciate what you do or if it is a stepping stone to something greater. Nonetheless, many individuals despise their jobs and make just enough money to get by. They are hesitant to take risks, develop new skills, or attempt anything novel. They continue on a path that leads nowhere.
Avoid working at all costs.
Some unlucky individuals are unable to work, but many able-bodied people choose to live on benefits and avoid working. Maybe they want to marry a movie star or win the lotto, but working their way up isn’t in the cards.
Be born in the developing world.
If you are one of the millions of people born in very impoverished nations with no human rights, no education or healthcare, and an oppressive dictatorship, leaving poverty will be extremely tough. Some do, but the great majority is sentenced to excruciating agony.
If you are lucky enough to reside in a developed nation, you should avoid plans 1–7 above and perhaps do something to assist others stuck in plan 8.