On Friday, as strong rains pounded many districts of Tamil Nadu, the local meteorological agency issued a warning about further rainfall over the next three days. The persistent downpour took office workers and students off guard. The rain continued for over an hour and a half during rush hour, flooding parts of southern Chennai.
According to the news agency PTI, Additional Director General of Meteorology S Balachandran stated, “Heavy rain is likely to occur in the next 24 hours at certain places in Kanyakumari, Tirunelveli, Tenkasi, Theni, and Dindigul districts.” In some areas of the districts of Nilgiris, Coimbatore, Erode, Virudhunagar, Madurai, Sivaganga, Pudukottai, Tiruppur, and Ramanathapuram, there is also a chance of heavy rain.
Due to the expectation of heavy rains, the district administration of Chennai has announced today’s school holiday in the nation’s capital. Tamil Nadu received a lot of rain on Saturday. The Chennai District Administration has announced that all schools will be closed today owing to the expected heavy precipitation.
Rain rained in several Chennai areas throughout the course of the last day, including Velachery, Kodambakkam, Teynampet, Nungambakkam, Alandur, and Anna University. Due to poor road conditions and insufficient stormwater drain interconnection, the region faced water stagnation. Residents complained bitterly that even mild rains might exhibit waterlogging.
The region received 12 cm of rainfall during the current Northeast Monsoon as of October 1, compared to the typical rainfall of 19 cm, or 40% less. On Saturday, Tamil Nadu had heavy rains, as the Chennai District Administration announced that all schools would be closed today owing to the expected heavy precipitation.