In a tragic incident, a 35-year-old fan of Allu Arjun died during the screening of Pushpa 2: The Rule in Rayadurgam, Andhra Pradesh, on Monday, December 9. The deceased, identified as Harijana Madhannapp, was found lifeless after attending the matinee show at a local theatre.
Kalyandurgam Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Ravi Babu confirmed the incident to news agency PTI. According to the DSP, the cleaning staff discovered the body around 6 pm after the conclusion of the 2:30 pm matinee show. The exact time of death remains unclear.
Preliminary investigations suggest that Madhannapp was under the influence of alcohol during the screening. DSP Ravi Babu stated, “He was already drunk and consumed more alcohol inside the theatre. He had a history of alcohol addiction.”
The victim, a father of four, struggled with long-term alcohol dependency, which may have contributed to his untimely demise.
Authorities have registered a case under Section 194 of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita Act and are conducting further investigations to determine the cause of death. Officials have yet to rule out other factors contributing to this unfortunate event.
This incident raises concerns about the safety and well-being of moviegoers, particularly during highly anticipated screenings of blockbuster films. It also highlights the need for strict regulation of alcohol consumption within public spaces like theatres.