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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Ragi vs Jowar vs Oats: Which Roti Is Best for Weight Loss?

Are you one of those who constantly worry about weight gain but don’t know how to go about it? Weight gain happens when one consumes more energy than one burns. Most of us usually tend to avoid carbohydrates in order to loose those extra kilos, but, little do we know that insufficient intake of carbs can also lead to health issues such as constipation and fatigue. The idea is to strike a balance between all nutrients that our body needs.

We all love eating food that tastes good, but we need to be careful to incorporate healthy grains in our daily diet. Some of the most common grains associated with weight loss are ragi, jowar and oats.

Oats Atta
Being rich in carbohydrates, Oats flour is a low-budget substitute for expensive flours such as almond or quinoa flour. It reduces the cholesterol levels, thereby maintaining a healthy heart. Oats flour keeps the stomach satiated, thus avoiding hunger pangs in between the meals. The easiest way to consume oats is by boiling it in water or milk. It can be combined with yoghurt and fresh fruits for extra taste.
Nutritional Value – 100 grams oats atta– approximately 400 Calories, and 13.3 grams proteins.

Ragi Atta
Ragi is another grain preferred by those looking for weight loss. It contains an amino acid called Tryphtophan that prevents hunger pangs and thus results in weight loss. It is also a great source of fibre, thus helps in digestion. It is also Gluten free and rich in Vitamin C, induces sleep and manages Cholesterol.
Nutritional Value – 119 grams Ragi atta– approximately 455 Calories, and 13.0 grams proteins.

Jowar Atta
Jowar atta is slightly bitter and fibrous in texture. It is packed with vitamins and minerals and also fibre and proteins. It controls Diabetes as it is Gluten free.
Nutritional Value – 100 grams Jowar atta– approximately 348 Calories, and 10.68 grams proteins.
All said and done, Oats and Jowar atta is better than Ragi as they have 10% fibre and keep you satiated for a longer time.Eating healthy is the first step towards losing weight and the sooner we realize this, the better!

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