Bigg Boss OTT has been making headlines for quite some time now and recently, the Bollywood superstar Salman Khan who is the host of the show was missing from the Weekend ka Vaar episode which gave rise to rumours that Salman Khan may quit the show and he won’t be hosting the show on TV as well. The show was hosted by Krushna Abhishek in the absence of Salman Khan.
The reason behind Salman Khan quitting the show is said to be that he is very angry with the editing team as in one of the scenes, he is shown with a cigarette in his hand. The Tiger of Bollywood was smoking a cigarette while talking to the participants but the editing team forgot to remove that scene from the clip which went viral later on.
However, the good news is that Salman Khan is not going anywhere and he will continue hosting the show. His absence may be because of the fact that he is currently very busy with the shooting of Tiger 3 and recently he has completed shooting with Shah Rukh Khan as SRK is doing a cameo in Tiger 3 just like Salman did in Pathaan.
Salman Khan will be hosting the show, so fans need not to worry.