Filmmaker Sooraj Barjatya, renowned for creating Salman Khan beloved on-screen persona Prem, has shared that he is currently working on a new script that will reunite him with the actor. This upcoming project promises a more mature narrative compared to their previous collaborations. In an interview, Sooraj also discussed his decision to venture into the OTT space with Bada Naam Karenge, which will stream on Sony LIV.
Sooraj Barjatya first introduced Salman Khan as Bollywood’s quintessential lover boy in Maine Pyar Kiya (1989). Their collaboration yielded several iconic films, including Hum Aapke Hain Koun, Hum Saath-Saath Hain, and Prem Ratan Dhan Payo, which cemented the character of Prem in the hearts of audiences.
When asked about his next project with Salman, Sooraj confirmed that it is in the works but emphasized that it requires time. He explained, “It is on the cards. But it is going to take a little more while because we have to accept that age is now there. I have to create a new Prem. It has to suit his age. You cannot expect him to do the same thing which we have been doing till now.” Sooraj aims to retain the essence of Prem while adapting the character to a more mature context, ensuring the narrative incorporates the same charm, fun, and family values that audiences associate with their previous collaborations.
He further elaborated, “It will be on a different matured level. That is an experiment which is taking a little more time.”
Meanwhile, Sooraj is making his debut in the digital space as a showrunner for Bada Naam Karenge under Rajshri Productions. Directed by Palash Vasvani, the series is a heartwarming tale of love, laughter, and family, starring Ritik Ghanshani as Rishabh and Ayesha Kaduskar as Surbhi.