Pathaan, Shah Rukh Khan’s latest film, has finally surpassed the Rs 1000 crore milestone at the global box office. Surprisingly, the movie broke the record in less than a month.
Pathaan, Shah Rukh Khan’s return film, has made Indian cinema history. The SRK-starrer has finally topped the Rs 1000 crore milestone at the global box office within a month of its release. The stats were released on Twitter by the producers, and they will undoubtedly please King Khan fans.
Yash Raj Productions took to Twitter to reveal the official stats for Pathaan, starring Shah Rukh Khan.
Pathaan has become the first Hindi film to gross more than Rs 1000 crore globally in its first week of release. The film starring SRK has grossed $122.08 million globally. According to the box office figures, the film earned Rs 623 crore gross and Rs 516.92 crore net in India.
Pathaan, on the other hand, earned Rs 377 crore ($ 45.97 million) at the global box office. Despite competition from recent movies such as Kartik Aaryan’s Shehzada and the Hollywood picture Ant-Man, we must state that the King Khan film is still doing well in theatres.
After these figures, SRK fans are excited to know if Pathaan will be able to beat KGF: Chapter 2’s world-wide box office record.
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