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Sunday, July 7, 2024

Shocking Places In India Where Indians Are Not Welcomed

We have often heard and read that during the British era, there was discrimination against Indians. We were not allowed to enter certain destinations in our own country. But what if in 2024, this type of restriction still holds in some places in India?

Surprised, and shocked!!   You read it right. Many places in Independent India still debar Indians to enter. Explore the controversy surrounding these locations and their impact on tourism and society.

Red Lollipop Hostel, Broadlands Hotel Chennai– One is an international standard backpacker hostel in the Mandevali area of Chennai and the other is a quaint British-style property lodge. They proudly claim to hold a ‘No Indian policy’ and will only give admission to international passport holders. 

Foreigner-only” beaches of Goa and Puducherry: There are beaches in popular tourist destinations in Goa and Puducherry that discriminate and spills racist behaviour towards Indian citizens. Legally there are no restrictions but local Goans and Puducherry restaurant owners do not allow Indians on some beaches like famous shacks in Arambol Beach, Anjuna Beach, as they think they cause a nuisance for foreigners or gaze lustily at beachwear-clad foreign guests. They have boundaries or roped areas to stop Indians from entering.

Russian Colony, Kundankulam– Kundankulam Nuclear Power Project located in the Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu has a residential colony that accommodates only Russians. They just say no to the Indian citizens.

Norbulinka Café in Dharamshala: Though it’s located in a picturesque location in Dharamshala amid beautiful gardens and monasteries, this place is strictly denying service to Indians.

This café follows a “Foreigners only policy” so stringently that even any foreigner who looks like an Indian, will be denied entry.  

Free Kasol Cafe in Himachal Pradesh- Commonly known as “Mini Israel” in Kasol, the café only serves foreigners, especially Israelites. There are many instances when Indian tourists have claimed that they don’t entertain Indians but are ready to cater to accompanying foreigners, if any.   

Sakura Ryokan Restaurant, Ahmedabad– A Japanese cuisine restaurant that serves only Japanese people. Ironically the owner is Indian but he has banned Indians from entering.

Final Words

The very thought of Indians being barred from establishments in their own country is both surprising and appalling. Such practices must be challenged and rectified, ensuring that everyone is treated with dignity and equality, regardless of their background or origin. Don’t forget to discuss information with your friends and family.


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