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Sunday, March 9, 2025

The 6 golden rules to win in life

Winning segregates high achievers from commoners. We all know that, but have you ever wondered that what could they possibly do to gain such a supreme advantage? The answer to that question is straightforward. They plan and execute things that the predominant population isn’t entirely aware of. Or sometimes, it appears unjust to us as if life is playing a game, and these highly successful people somehow know the secret rules of this game and hence can comprehend how to play it to their benefit. But, don’t you worry, the secret rules which they know are no longer a secret, the wisdom to excel in life is not imparted to only a handful of people. Anyone and everyone living under the blue sky can win at life by simply following the 6 rules to win in life.

The rules to win in life:

1. Having a vision for yourself:

The first and foremost rule for winning this game called life is to have a clear vision of yourself by setting defined and empowered goals for yourself. Having a clear vision sets the standard straight as to what it is that you want to achieve in life. It helps you develop your mental focus and finish your tasks with utmost urgency and purpose. The vision also helps in purveying a sense of direction owing to which your mental focal point is driven by the precedences you embellish that help you attain those goals. Goals do your degree of devotion and ignite passion. But, it is the sense of vision that will help you make out why do you want to achieve those goals in the first place.

2. Staying humble:

The second out of rules to win in life for winning this game called life is no matter how much wisdom you have earned. You need to stay humble and keep doing your work. We all make mistakes in our life, learn from them, and outgrow them. But, we must not take things to head and treat people around us with equal compassion and kindness. As failing and succeeding serve a natural course of life.

3. Growing outside the comfort zone:

The third rule for winning this game called life is to habitually expand your comfort zone. It is by far considered the most important tactic when it comes to achieving goals. Everything you ever wanted is on the other side of your comfort zone. Not very many people come under the category of risk-takers, the reason being the target comes rustled up with a lot of challenges and sacrifices that you need to get through before tasting the sweet fruit of success. Nonetheless, little do they envision that conquering these obstacles will help them get out of their comfort zone and move much closer to their mission.

4. Reading Books:

The fourth rule for winning this game called life is to broadcast yourself to new places, people, and ideas and the best way to do that is through reading books. The only possible way to shed your previous self and transform into something beautiful is by experiencing new things. When you expand your horizons you are provided with new opportunities and perspectives which will help you grow and develop further.

5. Comparing yourself to the older you:

Out of all the rules to win in life, the fifth rule for winning the game of life is to hustle harder and smarter than yesterday. Those who succeed in life do so because they are constantly evolving,  learning, improving, and growing. They take huge leaps towards their goals because they adapt, educate, and upgrade their skills, effort, knowledge, and ways. You gain an edge every time you choose work over pleasure and defeat your opponents by defeating your best-self today.

6. Never quitting the game:

The last and final rule to win this game called life is to never stop trying. No matter how many hurdles you need to go through, how many obstacles are coming your way, and no matter how much patience is required. The best key to attain your goals and live your best life is to keep hustling, keep moving, and keep struggling.


The above-mentioned rules to win in life aren’t that hard to follow, but, they aren’t that easy to follow either. Every day to have to choose your work over every other thing the world has offered you. The choice needs to be made each day every day, without fail. The rules to win in life shall definitely help you pass this difficult exam of life with flying colors.

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