Salman Khan’s latest release Tiger 3 has brought a storm at the Indian box-office as the movie has scored a century in just 2 days of its release. The movie earned Rs. 43 crores on Sunday and it showed significant growth on Monday as it earned Rs. 58 crores on the second day.
Tiger 3 also stars Katrina Kaif and Emraan Hashmi in important roles and it is directed by Maneesh Sharma. While the movie is performing pretty well, fans of Salman Khan are also very happy and they are celebrating the success of Tiger 3 in their style but there is one section of fans who are indulging in acts which are very harmful.
Some videos are going viral in which fans of Salman Khan are bursting crackers inside the cinema hall and they are creating risk not just for their own lives but also for the lives of other movie-watchers.
As this news reached Salman Khan, he made a post on social media, “I am hearing about fireworks inside theaters during Tiger 3. This is dangerous. Let’s enjoy the film without putting ourselves and others at risk. Stay safe.”
During a media interaction, he said, “Request all my fans not to take firecrackers inside the auditorium as it could prove to be a huge fire hazard thereby endangering your lives and also others. My request to theatre owners not to allow firecrackers to be taken inside the cinema and security should stop them from doing so at entry point. Enjoy the film by all means but please please avoid this is my request to all my fans .. thank u.”
We also request fans to behave responsibly.
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