The Bollywood actress Tripti Dimri has become quite famous after the release of Ranbir Kapoor and Rashmika Mandanna starrer Animal and now people are even watching the previous works of Tripti Dimri such as Laila Majnu, Bulbbul, Qala, etc. However, not many people know that Tripti Dimri made her debut with Shreyas Talpade directed movie, Poster Boys which starred Sunny Deol, Bobby Deol and Shreyas Talpade as well.
Recently, in an interview, Tripti Dimri revealed that she was advised against working in Poster Boys but she still accepted it and she is happy that she did it.
She stated, “When I was new to Mumbai, I was auditioning for everything, be it television shows or music videos. I just wanted work at that point in time, I was very new, and didn’t know if I would get a film. In fact, for Poster Boys, my agency said I shouldn’t do this film, but I was like ‘I want to, tomorrow, I might not get this opportunity, I don’t want to miss out’. I am glad I did it. It got me noticed, as I was very shy then. This film gave me the confidence of being around so many people, the film camera, and interact with people from the industry. I think everything is important.”
Talking about the importance of networking and attending parties in Bollywood, Tripti stated, “A lot of times I got this from people ‘Go to that party, build connections, that’s how you get work’. I don’t believe in these things. I don’t believe that me having a good equation with someone is going to get me work. If I am not talented and don’t know my job, then no matter what I do, I am not going to get work. This is something people need to understand.”
She further added, “I don’t think I am that person who can just text people for the heck of work. I should be invested in that person otherwise I won’t. I can’t beg for work. One day or the other, you will get work. In today’s day and age, there’s work for everybody. You should be focusing on your work.”
Have you seen Poster Boys?