Javed Ahmed Mattoo, a wanted terrorist affiliated with Hizbul Mujahideen, was apprehended by Delhi Police’s special unit on Thursday. Javed Ahmed Mattoo had a ₹10 lakh reward on his head and was sought for several terrorist acts in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K). The National Investigation Agency (NIA) began a search operation against Javed Ahmed Mattoo in several terror cases, according to Delhi police authorities.
Officials said that following an altercation with security authorities in Jammu & Kashmir, Javed Ahmed Mattoo fled into hiding. A report that suggested Mattoo could travel to Delhi to pick up a shipment of munitions was given to the police department. The Delhi Police closely monitored all the suspicious sites and set up the trap appropriately. Thursday saw the terrorist’s apprehension.
Javed Ahmed Mattoo is sought in 11 terrorism cases in Jammu & Kashmir, according to the Delhi Police. After receiving orders from Pakistan’s ISI, he escaped to Nepal, with the security troops in the valley behind him. According to the police, Mattoo has made many trips to Pakistan and has maintained contact with its authorities.
According to the police sources, Javed Ahmed Mattoo traveled to Delhi to acquire additional weapons and ammunition for future strikes in Jammu and Kashmir.
Incidents of terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir
The well-known terrorist’s arrest occurs as it appears that terror-related acts are returning to Jammu and Kashmir. Security personnel have clashed with militants many times in the last two days, and the valley is still under search and rescue.
Two Army trucks were attacked in the Rajouri district’s Dera ki Gali region last month. Three Indian Army personnel were hurt in the attack, and four soldiers lost their lives. The event also caused the Army to make some snap judgments; as a result, three civilians who were captured following the occurrences passed away while in jail.
Police, Army, and Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) personnel are handling the situation after a confrontation between security forces and militants occurred in Jammu and Kashmir’s Kulgam area on Wednesday. “An encounter has begun in the Kulgam district’s Hadigam sector. The Kulgam Police, the Army, and the CRPF are operational,” a post on X from Kashmir Zone Police stated.