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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

WhatsApp to improve Android users’ experience with channel alerts, other new features

WhatsApp is introducing new features for Android users, including searching messages by date, hiding navigation labels, and channel alerts. These improvements aim to improve user experience for channel administrators, provide real-time insights about suspensions, and allow channel restoration. Additionally, disappearing voice messages offer privacy by allowing users to send voice notes only once.

WhatsApp, owned by Meta, will add date-based message searching, concealed navigation labels, and channel alerts. Only Android users will get the capability.

The new capabilities are currently available to beta testers and will be released to additional people in the coming days.

Channel administrators’ user experience is improved by the ‘channel alerts’ function. The app will provide real-time insights into channel suspensions and allow users to reinstate them by contacting WhatsApp.

The study also advised channel owners to monitor “channel alerts” in the channel details screen for violations.

Channel alerts add transparency to the platform.

After installing the latest app update, the communication platform is rolling out two new features: the ability to search messages by date and a feature that automatically hides the navigation labels and top app bar while scrolling down the screen.

Users may easily browse their chat history with the date search feature. This will save time and let them retrieve texts from a given date, the study said.

WhatsApp now lets users send disappearing voice messages that can only be heard once. Like the 2021 ‘View Once’ option for photographs and videos, it adds privacy to your messages.


WhatsApp, owned by Meta, will add date-based message searching, concealed navigation labels, and channel alerts to Android. These capabilities give channel administrators real-time suspension monitoring and channel restoration to improve their experience. Some beta testers will get channel alerts, and more will follow in the following days. Searching messages by date and concealing navigation labels and the top app bar when scrolling are further platform changes. This functionality will streamline chat history navigation, saving users time. WhatsApp also lets users send disappearing voice messages that can only be heard once, giving another layer of anonymity.

Nitin Gohil
Nitin Gohil
A Mumbai-based tech professional with a passion for writing about his field: through his columns and blogs, he loves exploring and sharing insights on the latest trends, innovations, and challenges in technology, designing and integrating marketing communication strategies, client management, and analytics. His favourite quote is, "Let's dive into the fascinating world of tech together."

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